Being quiet and listening is more effective than thinking and acting. The world won’t lay at your feet because of your will or attention, but rather because you let it go, and so, allowed it in. Tijn Touber
And the remaining 87%?
They either don’t care or, as some admitted, they are potentially hostile toward their organizations.
Wervel Wind offers a way to change this workplace reality.
Using one-on-one and small group coaching, and employing methods like The Empowerment Dynamic, Wervel Wind can guide your organization into a world where more people actually love their work and cooperate well with each other.
A Wervel Wind coaching project will bring out the inner genius of your organization. Every person and every organization has a core that can create miracles. Wervel Wind indentifies that core and teaches people and organizations to work from that space.
For more information, click here for bringing out your inner genius or here for starting on the right path with your company.
Or just ontact Wervel Wind Founder Marijke Wijffels directly at:
+31 (0)15-2130525
+31 (0)6-21885785