Hawaii: the remnant of the lost Continent of Mu?
Legend tells of a time before history when the islands of Hawaii were the tips of a continent called Mu. Providing a dimension beyond the written word, ancient chants speak of a star as the real origin of humanity. So says William “Pila” Chiles of Hawaii, one of the great storytellers of today. Pila understands the Hawaiian legend as a fall from the grace of the continent of Mu.For Pila, these sacred people at first had a divine connection with the High God. But their choices soon severed the connection. It all started during their game of life. Innocent and powerful. Each night the Children of the Rainbow would walk up the rainbow in the moonlight to experience other worlds and dimensions. Everyone shared information and everyone helped one another feel the joy of this experience. But one evening, some children decided to withhold their information when others needed it. When the others saw this, they ignored those children and kept on playing as they always did. But ignoring the problem made them a part of it, and the rainbow began to fade. The withholding children began to experience something they had never felt—power. Soon they began making weapons called “better than you.” And then the connection broke altogether. Even the Kahunas could feel it. But the power of others needing them—even though the Kahunas could no longer create the divine connection—was a new feeling. It was not the ecstasy of divine connection, but it was something.
And so began the rule of fear and denial. The constant flow of joy, blocked by the presence of fear, was replaced with a HOPE for joy. “Self-righteousness” created falsity about God. Misery and war followed. But the loss of the connection with the High God would in the end prove fatal. Some scattered in all directions from the place they knew as a paradise. Those that stayed soon experienced a great storm, followed by tremendous earthquakes. The great Continent of Mu sank.
Now we only have vague glimpses of a lost civilization. Strange carvings in rocks in Northern California that some say were made by Continent of Mu survivors and which represent the “Principal of Four” living elements of the Mu motherland's philosophy of living:
But Pila reminds us that “a few 'special ones' have brought back the dance." The true kahunas, who still hold the thread of knowing, wait quietly. . . .